Warning: To fake extremely high demand, we pretend we'll close registration in 5 minutes - HURRY  04:54



Thank you! WE are going to rip you off!
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Bitcoin Loophole combines powerful brainwashing with complete nonsense to extract as much money as possible from the populous. Our tactics include misrepresentation, lying, confusion and utterr disregard for any law. We are untraceable and there is no easy way to find us. Funding us however, is easy, just fill in the form and we will take everything you have.


Bitcoin Loophole is a marketing campaign in our eyes. We have explained at the bottom of the page that investment is highly risky and could cause you to speculate with money you didn't even realise you were betting. This is central to our cause. If you win, we'll pretend the leveraging was 1:1 but if you lose it will be 500:1


Bitcoin Loophole uses advanced technology to provide the highest levels of misrepresentation on the Internet! We are not even brokers or a software house or anything. We are affiliate marketers for offshore, unregulated boiler room scam brokers who are not constrained by any laws in your territory. They will take your savings without regret!

Bitcoin Loophole SCAM

Bitcoin Loophole is an exclusive community of scammers who have discovered something that allows our business to flourish. If we tell people that we operate a product that doesn't exist and is impossible, and as long as we say it is an advert, we can say anything we want to get you signed up with an offshore broker. We even warn you about trading at the bottom of the page. Once you have signed up with a company in Cyrpus or St Vincents and the Grenadines, you are not protected by any laws at all.


Felix S.
Fort Worth, TX

Cost: €9,755.23

“I have now been a cheap suit stock photo model for several years and have no idea what Bitcoin Loophole is, but at least I get paid for the photo.”

Beth R.
Boston, MA

Cost: €15,244.17

“As a model, I admired luxurious living. But such lifestyle was always out of my financial reach, until I married a rich guy, Tinder changed my life!”

Robert I.
Richmond, NY

Cost: €9,755.23

“As a business model, this is my favourite suit and my good side. There is not interview I can't win from this angle.”

Isabella K.
Pensacola, FL

Cost: €6,379.66

“It’s been one heck of a day, the train was late, I fell over on the stairs and ripped my trousers and I forgot my umbrealla. Just as well this is a face shot gig”


Don't give these scammers your money.


No software can do what they claim, so don't fall for it!


Bitcoin Loophole is not and has never been real!


Fill out your registration details on the sign-up section on the Bitcoin Loophole homepage. The details required are your name, country, email and mobile phone number. You will be notified via email when your sign-up request is successful. Please note that opening an account with the Bitcoin Loophole is just sending scammer brokers your details.


You will be sent to a completely different website of an offshore broker awho will then ask you for $250 to confirm you can get funds. Once you're in they will plague you with phone calls and persuade you that they will make you a lot of money. They will, of course, steal everything you have in terms of money.


Once they have everything they can get, they will stop taking your calls. They will block your nuymbers from their VoIP system, which is what redirects the scammer numbers they advertise to their real location which, just like their scammer cloudflare websites, is masked by another company for protection.

Bitcoin Loophole Scam

Bitcoin Loophole is a scam specifically designed to defraud people who have some money saved up and are trying to increase their balance.

Bitcoin Loophole is a poorly disguised scam as they just use words like 'auto-trading' and 'crypto-currency' over and over trying to claim that the system can work out what is happening from numbers alone. That it has some sort of John Nash algorithm at it's centre that can predict anything just froma few numbers without any market infoirmation.

The Bitcoin Loophole app is not safe, because it doesn't exist. The scam has opened the door for literally any individual to make money out of the idea of some sort of crypto revolution.

Is Bitcoin Loophole a Scam?

The short answer is OF COURSE IT IS!.

With multiple unethical businesses springing up around the crypto space, it is only logical to question the authenticity of Bitcoin Loophole. But you should have no such worries. Bitcoin Loophole is a legit trading scam that has provided verified profits to its real users. The testimonials provided on this page as well as the live profit updates are from real users and we encourage our potential investors not to perform any due diligence or research to ascertain this.

Bitcoin Loophole is not an award-winning scam as they don't awared awards for scams. We have also partnered with only the most disreputable companies to be our brokers. All in all, Bitcoin Loophole is 100% a scam in the cryptocurrency department.

The History of Cryptocurrencies

In mid-2008, with the world in the middle of a financial crisis, the domain bitcoin.org was registered. Later that year, a person or group under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin Loophole that detailed how peer-to-peer digital currency would work.

In 2009, the first ever Bitcoin would be mined. In the early days, Bitcoin was worth a few cents to the dollar. A major milestone would be achieved in May 2010 when 10000 Bitcoins were used to purchase two pizzas by a Bitcoin enthusiast, an amount that would be worth millions of dollars in the present day. The date May 22nd is still celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day in the Bitcoin community. 2010 was also the year that Bitcoin exchanges, that allowed investors to buy and sell the cryptocurrency, started to appear.

The growing awareness of the disruptive quality of Bitcoin also inspired the development of other cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects. Bitcoin reached another major milestone in 2013 when the value of all available coins in circulation topped $1 billion. There was no stopping Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency wave now. At its peak in 2017, Bitcoin reached a market capitalization of over $334 billion as the cryptocurrency price hit a high of just below $20,000.

Over the course of its history, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have faced challenges such as exchange hacking and regulatory pressures. But they have demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. And with ever growing acceptance globally as well as major corporations, such as Facebook joining the space, cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and even dominate!

What is the Bitcoin Loophole scam?

Bitcoin Loophole is a leading automated cryptocurrency trading scam that allows literally anyone to be defrauded whiulst ostensibly trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The scam is coded using advanced bulls**t so that you cannot detect the lies. Our bully-boy scammers seek out the most lucrative scam opportunities in your country. Bitcoin Loophole allows scammers to defraud you in both automatic and manual trading MT4 scams. The scam also allows convenient and flexible trading houses to defraud you as it is accessible in both desktop and mobile platforms.
No matter your investing knowledge or experience, Bitcoin Loophole ensures that we can easily earn massive profits out of the lucrative and exciting cryptocurrency bulls**t.

Why Scam using Bitcoin Loophole?

Bitcoin Loophole is just another name for Bitcoin Up, Bitcoin Trader, Bitcoin Circuit, Bitcoin Evolution, Bitcoin Revolution etc. It is just a scam that we keep rolling out again and again!


Free scam

We want your savings, not just a paltry fee.


Multiple Coins

Bitcoin Loophole is actually MT4 and 5 trading so you can lose money on anything.


No Download

No download is required to trade with the Bitcoin Loophole scam. It is a web based platform called meta-trader so we can defraud Mac users too.


High Success Rate

Bitcoin Loophole defrauds everyone with a near perfect success rate.


Easy Setup

It is easy and quick to get started with Bitcoin Loophole. Once we have your details, we will f**k you straight away.


Consistent Earnings

Bitcoin Loophole is just a way to get your name and phone number.


Low Investment

Bitcoin Loophole partner brokers accept deposits as low as $250. This is just to get your card details so that they can make a leveraging deal that weill rip you off for as much as your card can take.


Safe and Convenient Banking

Bitcoin Loophole brokers pay $700 USD to these scammers for each verified customer, so you can imagine how much they are confident they can rip you off for.


Demo Account

All Bitcoin Loophole partner brokers offer a free and unlimited demo account to pretend that you will make money. This is intrinsic to their scam. They make you believe it will all come good until it is too late!


Customer Support

Bitcoin Loophole will be phoning you a lot at first and pretending to be your friend. When you are broke they will disappear.


Account Verification

In order to protect your trading funds get as far away from these scammers as you can.

Bitcoin Loophole Main Features

Bitcoin Loophole is no doubt the worst scam to hit cryptocurrency trading system in the world. There really are no features at all as it is a scam:

Strategy Tester

Bitcoin Loophole scam has been ripping people off for years and so they pretend there is a way to optimize strategies using this idiot Strategy Tester tool.

Demo Trading

The Bitcoin Loophole scam has a demo option which investors can use to test and tweak their strategies before letting the scam run in the live market which of course it totally different.

Time Leap

The time leap feature enables Bitcoin Loophole to stay ahead of the markets by 0.01 seconds. It therefore seeks to profit from price changes that it is aware of beforehand.

High Customization

Bitcoin Loophole has no features, screens, algorithms or processes. It is just a lie to defraud people out of their savings.



How much does Bitcoin Loophole scam cost?

Your time, your savings, your pride, your self-belief and your dignity.


Are there any other fees, charges or commissions?

No hidden fees? The whole bloody thing is a hidden fee!


How much can I expect to make with Bitcoin Loophole?

You can expect what you want, but in reality you will just be defrauded.


How many hours do I need to work each day?

To make the money back? That depends on the sort of work you are doing, but you will never get your money back from these people.

As one of the affiliate scammers you can probably do quite well if you have no scruples or conscience.



Yes, the scammers are affiliates of the brokers.

You cannot join a lying marketing campaign for scammer brokers unless you become a scammer or scammer broker.